In today’s fast-paced world, organisations must recognise the importance of supporting their most vulnerable customers. Temporary Solutions Group (TSG) is a prime example of a business dedicated to this mission. By providing tailored, compassionate, and innovative services, TSG ensures that vulnerable individuals receive the care and support they need during challenging times.

Understanding Vulnerable Customers

As the FCA recently set out the definition of a vulnerable customer as someone who, due to their personal circumstances, is especially susceptible to harm, particularly when a firm is not acting with appropriate levels of care.

When a home is damaged or personal circumstances change meaning temporary washing, sanitary or living facilities are required, home life can be sent into disarray. The fundamental needs of water, shelter and sleep are in question, and this puts homeowners in a vulnerable situation. A situation which is compounded if the homeowner or someone living in the home has complex needs or relies on others for support, such as:

  • Elderly individuals who may face physical or cognitive impairments.
  • People with disabilities requiring specialised assistance or accommodations.
  • Families with dependants who rely on a local support network or people and amenities

Recognising the unique challenges these groups face, TSG develops and implements services and products designed to provide immediate, interim and effective support.

Key Approaches of Temporary Solutions Group

  1. Understanding the customer needs

TSG understands that a one-size-fits-all approach does not work when supporting vulnerable customers. By taking the time to understand the situation and conducting a thorough assessment, TSG identifies the specific needs of each individual and any limitations set by their existing property. From here options from an extensive product list can be provided and where necessary TSG can create personalised solutions. This might include providing mobility aids and hoists or adding ramps and links to the property to create extensions to the home.

  1. Skills & Capability

TSG are the leading supplier of temporary facilities, but the skills and capabilities of the business go beyond just the supply. As manufacturer, designer and supply all areas relating to the product, the design and the ability to meet the needs of the end customer are met. The ability to take customer feedback and implement recommendations directly into future design is pivotal to the growth and success of the business and links seamlessly into the product design and customer service. It also means that the skills set to address issues should they occur run across all areas of the organisation.

  1. Product Design

From a temporary kitchen that sits on the driveway to a product list that now includes over 24 products. Covering kitchens, bathrooms, living solutions and adaptive products for those with complex needs, the growing list of products is constantly developing to address individual’s needs. Internal and external solutions also offer choice to limit inconvenience as much as possible during the hire period.

  1. Customer Service

During an emergency, TSG excels in a rapid response. It’s this outstanding service and the care taken when interacting with customers either on the phone, via email or in person that has resulted in an enviable 5-star trust pilot rating. All staff are trained to identify, empathise and adapt their behaviour to handle a variety of situations, ensuring that vulnerable individuals receive prompt and effective support.

Support Stories

Story 1:  Temporary Disabled Extension & Storage (click to learn more)

As part of an insurance claim a wet-room repair was required after a washing machine leak. Initially an accessible temporary wet-room was provided by TSG. The repair works uncovered the severity of the leak and the whole ground floor of the property had to be replaced.

Rebecca, the policy holder is in a wheelchair user, and therefore the insurers believed the best course of action would be to move Rebecca into accessible accommodation of site.

Unfortunately works were delayed and the accommodation rental came to an end and no suitable accommodation could be found.

TSG were asked to build a 1 bedroom bungalow at Rebecca’s home allowing her and her family to return home.

Story 2: Temporary Wet Room Extension (click to learn more)

A move from an adapted property to an un-adapted property left Finlay, a teenager who is a wheelchair user with complex needs, with no downstair toilet and washing facilities.

From site visit and assessment of Finlay’s needs to the build and commission of the wet-room, which was built as an extension to the home, took 6 days.

The provision of the TSG wet-room has given Finley his independence allowing him to use the bathroom unaided. Built at the rear of the property the unit was installed with a ramp to allow access to the garden something that was important to Finlay and his family.

The Impact of TSG’s Work

Temporary Solutions Group’s work and products have a huge impact on the lives of vulnerable customers. By providing immediate relief, fostering independence, and promoting well-being by allowing individuals to remain within familiar surroundings, TSG creates a ripple effect that benefits entire family. Their approach serves as a model for other organisations aiming to support those in need.